Environmental Impact Assessement methodology [Y. Anjaneyulu, Valli Manickam] (2025)

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A Review Article on"Environmental Impact Assessment (Eia)

Dr. Naveen Gaurav

In recent years, there has been a remarkable growth of interest in environmental issues, sustainability and the better management of development in harmony with the environment. Associated with this growth of interest has been the introduction of new legislation, emanating from national and international agencies (e.g. the European Commission) that seek to influence the relationship between development and environment. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an important example. EIA means identify, predict and evaluate the environmental effects of proposed actions. EIA is a tool of decision-making development. The three core value of EIA study that has been identifying till date is integrity, utility and sustainability. EIA is a tool for measuring environmental impacts of a upcoming projects or activity covering physical and social factors and providing measure to minimize their impacts. In real sense it is a tool to evaluate the impact of business activity, profitable planning or action leading to bio-geophysical environment and on the health and well being of human beings and interpreting and making public aware about the same. That is to say, EIA focuses on various complications, hardships faced by environment in terms of curtailment of natural resources or human health proned to the upcoming project. It also examines implications of a project that might harm people, their homeland or their livelihood or other nearby developments. After predicting the problems, an

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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA

Muhammad Umar Shahzad

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) process is an interdisciplinary and multistep procedure to ensure that environmental considerations are included in decisions regarding projects that may impact the environment. Simply defined, the EIA process helps identify the possible environmental effects of a proposed activity and how those impacts can be mitigated. EIA can be defined as " a systematic process to identify, predict and evaluate the environmental effects of proposed actions and projects. " The EIA process is applied prior to major decisions and commitments being made and ideally is integrated into the project design process. OR Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool that is used to consider the likely significant environmental effects of a proposed development. EIA as an environmental management tool is used around the world in developed and developing nations. The role of EIA is to inform the decision maker of the significant environmental impacts that are likely to occur if the development proposal is granted consent. The Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment identify a number of immediate and long term objectives of EIA. The purpose of the EIA process is to inform decision-makers and the public of the environmental consequences of implementing a proposed project. The EIA document itself is a technical tool that identifies, predicts, and analyzes impacts on the physical environment, as well as social, cultural, and health impacts. If the EIA process is successful, it identifies alternatives and mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impact of a proposed project. The EIA process also serves an important procedural role in the overall decision-making process by promoting transparency and public involvement. It is important to note that the EIA process does not guarantee that a project will be modified or rejected if the process reveals that there will be serious environmental impacts. In some countries, a decision-maker may, in fact, choose the most environmentally-harmful alternative, as long as the consequences are disclosed in the EIA. In other words, the EIA process ensures an informed decision, but not necessarily an environmentally beneficial decision. " Immediate objectives of EIA are to: • improve the environmental design of the proposal; • check the environmental acceptability of the proposals compared to the capacity of the site and the receiving environment; • ensure that resources are used appropriately and efficiently; identify appropriate measures for mitigating the potential impacts of the proposal; and facilitate informed decision making, including setting the environmental terms and conditions for implementing the proposal.

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Mengea Zerabruk

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Environmental engineering has been defined as the Branch of engineering, that is concerned with protecting the environment from the potentially deleterious effects of human activity protecting human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors and thus improving environmental quality for human health and well beings. Today the major problem in front of us is the pollution caused by various industries such as chemical industries, sugar factories, thermal power plants, and cement industries, etc. Their “ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT” can do economic evaluation of the health damages. In this report we have studied a case study on Pauk H.E. project in Arunachal Pradesh & has studied its impact on the environment. Thus we have studied the EIA plan & also problems related to it.

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tertsea agber

The paper tries to looks at procedures and processes as a mechanism employed in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) review to judge the adequacy of the process and quality of the EIA. The review is conducted with reference to legal conformity and good practice. Key objectives of EIA review are to: assess quality of information contained in the EIA report; determine how stakeholder concerns have been addressed; determine if the information is adequate for decision-making; and identify information gaps and deficiencies. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can broadly be defined as a study of the effects of a proposed project, plan or program on the environment. Most developing counties have also embraced it and are in the process of formalizing EIA through legislation. The paper highlights the evolution to current status, the legal framework, concepts, review processes and principles of EIA and associated studies.

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Environmental Impact Assessment for the Conservation of Environment and Sustainability

Ijesrt Journal

International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2014

Environmental impact assessment is the study that focuses on the effects of a proposed project,plan or a programme on the environment. EIA is a relatively new planning and decision-making tool. It ensures that the potential problems are foreseen and addressed at an early stage in project planning and design. Environmental assessment is taken up in this paper as a rapid assessment technique for determining the current status of the environment and identifying impact of critical activities on environmental parameters. The paper highlights methodology, evaluation of current stage, legal frame work, principles of environmental impact assessment, and case study,for predicting the environmental consequences of any project under consideration for development.

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The Importance Of The Environmental IMpact Analysis (Mainly for NIgeria)

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Environmental Impact Assessment On Ongoing Construction Project

IRJET Journal

IRJET, 2023

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a tool with the aim to identify, predict, evaluate, and prevent or, if necessary, correct and communicate the impacts of a project on the environment. The EIA is regulated by the environmental laws of each country, where commonly an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required to obtain an environmental license. Colombian legislation, as in several other countries, does not determine what EIA methodology is used (rather it is limited to suggesting a few parameters). Ultimately, the decision is left to the work group responsible for developing the EIS. For this reason, many methodologies and variants are created, thereby affecting the process quality. It was determined that the best option is to adjust an already established methodology, taking advantage of its experience.

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Environmental Impact Assessement methodology [Y. Anjaneyulu, Valli Manickam] (2025)
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