aid under the this state, harry from the that the had much become is due to satisfy the at are an cold at public of sale Fairfield on in of August 1813 the the county of August, 1815- county of DIRECT land 26 A David 88 do. 19 do. 15. do. do.
with Hamilton 95 "do with: welling house 1 bara. Mort do. do. 0. doc 13 one store 100 rods of house do.
241 acres of Bruh, 150. and Ele do heir 19 Elisha Gabriel Nickerson, meph do. with Gulon with houser fan A Joshua 40 leet 10 Lydia Godfrey and Sandford, doi John Andrew Bouton Crosby Dudley Gage GRE 0 Sam. Gordrich house and Times Mort, half of a grist Jere Hall 10 seres Louden and, Henry Norton Archat ri Thomas heirs, do Benjamin Sherwood Richard Sturges a Street's Strong David Boat Land Cable, Daniel. Gaylord, David Gaylord, Homer Gaylord Gertord Truman do 166 da with ward Jacob doz and Peter Waller, Welled and one house land do.
house a Bridle 10 do. Join da the John Smith do and house Eunice Harrison, Lynn, do. 31. Abigail do. 12 Amos Osborne, do.
with 1-d of a 35 Wm. Osborne, Talmud, do! do. J. Cardwell's Beira do, 0 34 Burrit Jennings, 18 do. Ebenezer: Gray, 22 do.
8 Perry, do 0 14 Eber Rizon, 3 do. with a house. 0 23 Anna Winton, A dwelling house, 0 08 Peter St. John, 2 acres of, lant 0 08 County of Tillard Geo. Buck: D.
sweetland, 7 sores of land, 0 20 Samuel and one Skinner's house heirs 3 do. 0 37 if Thomas Spencer, 12 do 0 Aaron Tryon, 46 Coventry, Ellington, Elam Allen, do 0 77 Israel Allen, 23 1 40 Solomon Bond do 0 55 Joel, Boothe do 0,29 Josiah Elis worth, 4 do Jonathan Pease, do 0 41 Pelariah Phelps, 23 do 57 Frederick Prior 43 do 2 Thos. Thatcher Esther Treat, 20 Isaac Chapman, do house and barn 2 N. and A. Pease, 47 do 1 63 Nath.
Waterhouse fo do 0 41 Sta ford, Abisha Alden, 130 do. house and bare 78 Cicero Dimock, 25 do 0 37 Elisha Jones, 105 do. house and barn 76 Freeb Moulton, jr 2 do 0 37 Phelps' do 1 75 Asa Nites, 36 do. and one honse 6 muel Ward, 243 do. 3 Lidia Fellows, 3 do 0 19 Tollind, Farlay, do Hammond, 32 do 36 He a Kings heirs, 66 da.
Janes Fuller, 18 Vernon, Osits Dissell, 10 do 41 Hens, Totinson, 14 do 72 -Elan do Henry White, 10 do 41 Eidridge, oneacre of land and 1 house. 0 32 John Frazier, 238 do. two barns, and sv. mill, 6 78 Conuty of Mindham. Canterbury, acres of 0 47 Jaba Dart 13 Will do.
53 Eleazer Foster, 54 Chai Sherman, 39 da. a house, 58. Hampton, Trumbull Chloes 62 Daniel Faller, Stephen Holt a 0 17 John Dexter, 10. da 31 Pailip. Peck, do.
and 0.31 Lebanon, Silas Clark, 0'92 dr de 0 D. L. add A. 73. do.
0.31 WE J. heir, 0 58 Thomas Let, 2 45 31 John Bennet, 20 do. 0 73. Harrington, 10 do. 0 41 Byte.
do. 0 41. Stephe do. 2 16 J. Batters heir, 30 0 31 Peter Birdick, 90 do 0 55 Green, 50 do.
0 38 Dared 20. da. 0 29 18 29 6. de 0 46 Y. 1 Bank Bills current in the neighbouring States, wit be received: by mast for these or any utiler and duties, receipts and' change returned tres of postage.
Collecturs Office, Hartford, adjoining; the Hartford Thank the 21st day of June, 1815. JOUN'T PETERS, Collector for the fourth Collection District in the of Conneticht. (Pay the ether in dis State, de Mercury Distillers and are reminded their obligation account on the lat day of' within tear vs thereafter. Cotton, Aron, DAVID WATKINSON, Ofer An assortment of Sweden, Eng Russia Iron. Horse nail, spike and deck Nail Rods 3 tons German, Swedes and American Steel Bryar's Tobacco, Lovillard's Leipers Hype akin Coffee, Cassia, Ganpowder.
Nails, Shovels, Sheep's Wall, Hartford, June 27.. LYNDS OLMSTED Co. airs sin MARS 15 Sugar 70 bbls. supertite Flour 40 ad quality da -Hyson, Young Dyson, nad Eyson akin tea 10 hales Upland Cotton' 40 casks 300 bushels T. 1.
anti-10 tole. cider brandy Crockery -50 China sets ALSO Tros for cart and one home waggon tire. Jane 81 1815 8., CHAFFEE. HAVE come just received mentor from sonable New IN York, a GOODS, handselected froth the latest importationa, which they offer for on the most reasonable terms. Hartford, st FOR BALL The George of the eligible situation House a in further the and STAPLE GooDS: JAMES MOORE, H' ment Just of receired DRY from GOODS them Are fallowing, vis Broad Cloths, and mined Cords Striped Silk Tailinet, and Florentine dito.
Vestings Flannele, Merseilles Baisca, black and brown Tabby Velquitting, and Bilk Velvet vets Twill'd and plain Bombazetta, Wildbores Super light and dark Calicoes, dark common Cambrick do. Striped and plain, light and Carcbrick, Jaconet, Leno and Muslins B'ack and color'd Cambricke, Pancy Muslins Irish Linens, Colton 8 irtings Green and black Silks, white and pink Barmets Catoured Taffetas, and Florence Silks 6-4 white and black Silk Lace, white figured Gauzes" Black Crapes, 6 4 Love Handkerchiefs Fancy Cravats, men's and women's beaver Gloves Habit, white, and black Silk do. Extra long white, and assorted Kid do. Cotton, Silk, and worsted Hose, Grandurells Russia Diapers, English Nankeens Cambrick and common Dimitics Wellington Shawls, large do. Bundanna and- Flag silk Cotton do.
Madras Malabar, sod Picket do. Linon and Cotton Threads, Tapes Fans, Millinete, Buttons, Pine. Silk, Cotton, and Leather Suspenders Garniture Plaid, Lustring and Battm Ribbons sift Umbrellas, Parasole, 6w S9 July 19, 1815. SWIFT FRANCIS, HATE SEAT DECEIVED TOR A few St. Croix choice Antigua and 7 RUM.
Cognac, Naples and ('ider Wines. Brandy. Gino Lisbon and Malaga uhds 1st rate Molasses. and brown Sugars Hy son, young and tige Ayson Skin, 2 TEAS. Mace, Nutmegs, Cassia.
Clores, Pimento, Pepper. -Fresh Raisins, and Prunes--Limes, Tamarinds--No. 1 Chocolate-Velvet and common Corks. 95 54 42 59 49. 19 1.05 88 0:06 18 to 4 Cash for Rags.
HUDSON and GOODWIN, Will pay Cash and the highest, pricefor Tons clean Cotton and Linen RAGS. They also purchase old sail cloth, mot, cad old ropes: They want to 1000 well tanned Sheepskins, for book-binding FOR SALE A PARM of. 110 acres, an excellent House almost new, with other out buildings, ed for a Tavern: 20 miles from Hartford, in the town of Harwinton, on the turnpike road from Hartford to Whoever wishes to pur. chase, by applying immediately may have a good bargain on accommodating terms. Apply to Lewis Eng of Harwinton, or to the subscr ber in Fast- Windsor.
JOHN WATHON. July 19. 6w-14 FEDERAL. STREET COFFEE HOUSE. ATH I NIEL RICHARDS, (who lately kept the Washingion Hotel in the city of Mid.
dietown, Can takes this opportunity to thank those Gentlemen who were pleased to call on that place, and now invites them, and the public, to call on him at No. 17, Federal street Boston, two doors north of the Theatre, in a pleasant, central situation, where he intends to pay particular attention to those who travel with their families, and keep a number of ruoms well furnished for their accomm on a visit, or who stay in town a few days on bu. ness, can be furnished with room to Gentlemen who dine in town, may pend on a gond table, choice liquors, and every attention paid to them, which their situation may require. B. Horses provided for at the above place.
Baton, July 1, 1815 Horses and Prest Hay. RAMSEY will pay cash for forty. sprightly shipping horses, and ten tons prest Hay. July 12 $4 FOUND in this MONEY City, FOUND. Bank- Bill- bich the owner may have on describing it hid paying for this advertisement Apply at this office Hartford, July 17.
34 MUSEUM. THE proprietor of the Hartford MUSEUM, having made greater additions the last year then bare been made in any one year since its catablistment, and from the approbation of the most intelligent strangers and others, he flatters bit.elf the public patronage will still he continued and that the curious who visit 1 the Mu sun will the gratibed ---The patronage of gentlemen sailing to foreign parts is carnestly requested, and every fasour will be gratefully ac. and -Portrait Painting performed, profile likenesses taken at the Muscum 03 Admittance 25 l'ente. TATANTED, Journey n.el Fin isher, who is an adept at hand to commence pork the 1st September, to whom. good encouragement will be given.
SELAH NORTH. Goshen, July 11. TR YED or stolen from the subscriber us. tie 5 13th inst a bay MARE, about ten years old, square duck, fore top cut, shed all round, new shoes forward, dark brown list on her back- Whoever return her, or gire infurmation where she may be found, shall he rencrously re. warded.
WILLARD LAW, Ellington, July 15, 18'5. 24 S' probate, for the altewed district by of the Hartford, hun. court to the of creditors the estate of Levi Smith, late Wethersfield, decetsed, to exhibit their claims lawfutly attested All indebt. ed to said estate are requested to make payment SHITE, Administratrix. July 3, 1815.
34 from this date in allowed by the the hon. hereby given, that six months court of probate for the district of Hebron, for the creditors of the estate of Ediak Hunt late of Columbia, deceased, represented insolvent to exhibit their claims to the subscribers, who are appointed by said court commissioners on said estate we will attend on car appointment on the first Mondays of September and December next, at 1 o'clock on each of said days, at the dwelling-bouse of Stephen livemer in said Columbia, for the purpose of receiving and ad. justing the claims against said estate. No claims will be allowed, unless properly attested. drakel Clark, Alien, Commis'rs.
July 10, 1815. 34 from the fret day of July instant are limited by the hon. court of probate, for the district of Granby, for the creditors to the estate of Ancon Blable, late of Hartland, sed, to exhibit their claims AD against said estate, or be debarred a recovery indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay. ment to. BLAZLE, Adm'r.
Harland. July 17, 1815 NOTICE date is are hereby allowed, given, by that the six hon. month court from of prebate for district of Winder, for the creditors of the estate of Nathaniel Phelpe, late of East. Windsor, deceased, represented insol vent, to exhibit their claims to the subscribers, on wiid estate: They will attend cream house of who are appointed by said court commissioners Mrs. Abigail Coboon, in said Rest Windsor, on the first Tuesday, of Jaguary 1816, at 1 o'clock M.
for the purpose of receiving and adjusting the claims against said catate. Fleeter Sincen Barber, Commis'rs. ted to immediate payment to All persons indebted to sand estate are reques. ABIGAIL CORDON, Adminisratris. East.
Windsor, July 10. 1815. 34 NEW GOODS. G. H.
CORNING, MERCHANT AVE received selected from the late arri- BLACK, BLUE, LONDON RROWN, GOLD MIXT, STEEL MIXT, GREEN MIXT, LIGHT MIXT, BROWN OLIVE, Superfine Black, Blue, Mixt, Brawn 'and Drab, douhle and single mill'd CA Black, Blue and Mint Princess CORD. BLACK, MIXT Corded and plain black Florentine fine white Vestings a Pith three ment of fancy and VESTING, with in general in their if made notice or three Journeymen cond Stay, 14,41815. at New. York, a new sopply of fine CLOTHS and -among which, are Starch, Indigo, Cotton, Album, and Copperas. Plug and paper Tobacco.
Macubery and Scutch Snaff. Variegated and Windsor Soap. Brandy wise and common Gun Powder. Shot, window Glass- 6d. 8J, 10d, and 20d cut and wro't Nails.
A general assornet of Paints. Glue -Shellac and Cop Gum. fey Baltimore hea, and Sickles, Virginia Shovels FLOU and hay Forks. China, Glass, and Crockery WARE. Hartford, July-11 1815.
tf39 SOLOMON PORTER, Jun. TOM 12001. best green Caffee 15 bhds good ald Rum 3 pipes red Wine 30 hide. and tierces Sfolasses Gin 7s bots and half bble. new superfine Flour 500 bushels coarse Turks Island Salt 3 bhida.
tump Lorrillard and and browa Leiper's Sugar Snuff 50 Tobacco, 1st and 2d quality 150 botre by 8, and 7 by 9 Glass Large Kettles, 10 to 15 gallons best Raisins cider Brandy 9 tierces Rice 2000 Russia brown Linco, for Coach.maHartford State at July 10, 1815. 12053 kern, Carpet Painters, or Light Bails. HEADER ATTEND Though aftiged fion may another by your Notice To capitinte on the of the remedy for (J Dr. Jab's celebrated Liniment! RHEUMATISM! after seven years experience in America needless, and suffice that -with almos: quiversal success is it to 1 that in rheumatism, the braises, joints, sprains, it will chilblains, be found mast it affuras in. in slam case and, frequently cures in 4 hours, heu.
matism of many geare standing, after etery other remedy has tailed. few extraordinary west humane cases are submit through motives the to public AT at Foung Lady of rheumatic Boston pain in her hip, was ble to walk- after being confine was severely Micted with ed six weekrand tried most mediciues bours. without was cured by this liniment in 24 (P En old Gentleman of bit buck and a with Ith do shaniere, was cured by. one bottte young Gentleman of Boston la bis affiered with. and path the was cured this Linenlarged 'anti bilious 1 Gentleman of 1 Roxbury with if the knee perpeinel pain for two years, ampurecommended, having every thing withut effect, m.
by using this and taking Dr. Beife' Botanical Drops he cured in to weeks. This Liniment is pres pared and sold wholesale by the ale propricter, No. 1, Hamilton place, Boston, And retail by his agents Doct. D.
Mull, Druggist, Hartford; Setnuel and Co. Middletown Mygatt, Dana Miner Billings Girant, Lewis, i Jartin, Stamford Haven Rupley, Dyer Norwich and shipman and: New- 4 Howes, Wi Belts Co. Norwalk: Nil. ley, P. Hurd, Woodbury Noble, M.
Thompson, New London, and most Druggist, Rooksetters and Post- Mas ters three gheyt the States, where may he had all those estromed and highly approved Medicine prepared by W. aak for DE. Jebb'a celebrated none ore genuine unless signed W.T. Conway. Be particular.
A large discount to Traders. June 13. 3:53 tow 30 into the inclosure of the saberriher on the 15th of June last, Mare, bouteight years, old, a light mane and tail, small white pat in her forehead, one white spot on each side of her back which appears to be wade by a gall of the saddle, shed all round, astural trotter. The owner in desired to pfore property, pay charges and take her away. E.NOS IVES, Bristol, July 14 damage fin an of the town pound Simubury, Hark Humphiry, seen hands be at the end twenty days; agreeable to law June 30.
4 RUM, IRON, GEORGE CHARLES GOODWIN, MATS MEN bide! St. Croix and Antigua Rum 8 bbla Cider Brandy 1 pipe pure Holland Gin A tierces Rice 3 hide Lamp and Brown Sugar 18 bags Coffed-6 bags Pepper 4 casks winter and summer strained lamp eil. 8 kegs Tobacco-tortillard's paper do. 2 tbts Lorrillard's do. 10 tons Russia (0.8) and Swedes Iron, sing Dat and square, horse nail rode, plough lates, hoop and band iron 1 ten English bistered, German, American and tub Steel -cart, chaise and waggon Boxes 12 dozen Shovels and Spades 1 ton iron Hollow Ware-8 cut.
Shot assorted 45 boxes 6 by 8. 7 by 9, and 8 by 10 window Glass Naile and Brads from 2d to 40d Vidonia, Lisbon and Port Wines--together with most other kinds of Groceries. Hartford, State- st. July 17. 34 Richard Montague James Scumour, 3 AVE transact entered business into copartnership, firm of and MON.
will TAGUE SEYMOUR, at the store lately occupied by Richard Montague, in State they have just received a quantity of West India Goods, and will soon make extensive additions. RIcHARD James Hartford, July 14, 1815. 34 MOLASSES. 25 Hide first for quality retailing. for English sale by the MOLASSES, subscriber at Wetbersfield Hill Landing.
EDMUND BULKLEY. "July 17, 1815. 34 WILLIAM If. INLAY Co. 20 Hhds.
high proof Ofer sweet for Sale flavored St. Croix and Antigua Rum 3 do. old Jamaica Spirits. 3 do. N.
E. Rum. 1 pipe Cognac Brandy. 2 du. pure Holland Gin.
30 bhis. Cider Brandy Vidonia and Lisbon Wine, Molasses- -Brown and Lump Sugar. 40 bags Coffee 6 cases Cassia. Pepper, l'imento, Nutmegs: and I Cloves. 50 kegs sweet scented Richmond Tobacco.
Brandy wine Powder -Shot, assorted sizes. 8 bbls. Smyrna Raisins. 40 bbls fine Baltimore Flour cases pint and half pint Tumblers. 8 by 10, 9 by 7 and 8 by 6 English Crown and American Window Glass.
f. egots genuine llalbach Steel. 10 bundle Sheet Iron. 20d. 10 8d and 4d floop Iron.
Cart, Waggon and Chaise Boxes. Iron Shovels, Rods ALSO, complete assortment But, round and square Iron July 18 60 34 PARASOLS. JUST received a large assuriment of SOLS4-awo, green Lastring and fine black bombazine B. HUDSON, Jr. Co.
Hartford, June 19. 34 E. R. TERRY, Ofer for sa'e WENTY eight bbis and 3 linds Cider Brandy 2 pipes Cognac Brandy 2 do Malaga Wine -4 Abds Molasses 10 bbls brown 14 bags Coffee, Pepper and Pimento 25 kegs Tobacco- is bbls supertine Flour 20 bags Shot- 4 bones Chacalate 3 cases of Cassis 16 hid. St.
Croix and L. Run 1500 bushels Salt-10 tons Irva and Steel Hyeon, hyson-skin, souchung and boles Tea Jury 29. 5w34 DEN Knives, lead Pencils, camels' hair Pen. cils very nice, Wafers by the pound or less, Sand Boxes, silver pencil Cases, Inkstar de various kinds, picket States in abundance, tooth Brushes, the abice articles are of the frat rate, and vent Low. CONSTANTLY ON BANDBibles of all descriptiona, Parim-Books, (In elegant plain Hymn ka, binding.
Books, School Books of all kinds. Scout's Family Bible and 1 Testament, aro edi, tion in bis binding. BLANK WORK Of all descriptions and of the best of paper. A universal assortment of Books of Divinity -Religions publications- Physic gad Sure and Sciences 4 mcellany and new publications. Books Stationary.
OLIVER D. COOKE, Has this day received an assortment of Stationery, VIZ. Hartford, July 17 34 TO MANUFACTURERS OF 920 lbs. Merino Wool Mi if applied for of the subacriber, on good only terms of quality of Wool are invited as expected pare chasers- hi is now in a situation to be casily viewed and inspected. Apply to JOHN WATSON.
Enat Windsor, July 19 ST on TRAYED the 8th froth inst. a the bay pasture Horse, of black the mane subscriber and tail, with a a black spot on the near side and white stripe in the face, about Biters banes high, shod all round: Whoever will take top cald barre and retura tim to me, or give in. formatinn so that be may be frand shall be ded and all necessary charges paid by Arne Noate. Berlin, July 14. 34 offer on so tow terms as they cap to purchased in wanted alt, Hartford, June t.
TILESTON HOADIKY. It their Hat Store Main Street, Hast of the Stati House, HAVE FOR SALE, A Large Area's Bats, assortment of every of mog's description. youth a and abile ALSO, FURRS, viz. Besver, Raccoon. Muskrat, Russia Hair Skins, Nutra Skins, Rabbits do.
Camel Wool, he. TRIMMINGS. 54 Silk and Cotten Linings. and Banda, drab and black, Morecco Skins, Bow strings, "ilat Buckles Jacks of different qualities). Blocking Card.
Nuns fish Skin, and other clee Stock and Trimmings ill which.